9 The INI File
Most programmers are familiar with the structure and function of an initialization file, or INI file. GEOS uses one or more INI files depending on the setup (network users may have two or more INI files; standalone users may have only one).
The INI file for GEOS describes the drivers, fonts, and other items installed on the system. It also contains other system configuration information, such as the specific UI expected and information about the type of display and input devices used. It may also be used by applications for storing their configuration information as set by the user.
9.1 How to Use the INI File
As a software developer, you will have two uses for the INI file. First, the INI file controls your system configuration to a certain extent. For example, if you are developing applications for a small-screen pen device, you should know the appropriate settings in the INI file to get your system to emulate such a device.
Second, you may need to have your application access the INI file to store or retrieve information. The kernel offers routines for just this purpose; these routines are detailed in Chapter 6 of the Concepts books.
This chapter describes the file itself as well as the categories and keys created and used by GEOS. Depending on the system you plan to develop for, you may need to set several different keys in certain combinations (e.g. setting certain keys emulates a Zoomer configuration). These special combinations are described in the special add-on documents that describe developing for each system. For more information, contact Geoworks Developer Support.
9.2 Categories in the INI File
Code Display 9-1 shows a short list, without description, of all the categories and keys available in the INI file. Following the display are explanations of each category, with a description of each key and the values you can set.
Code Display 9-1 The GEOS.INI File
; This is a listing of many of the categories and keys in the GEOS.INI file.
; Each category is described in full in the following sections of this
; chapter, along with the values you can set for each key and what they do.
; The categories and keys are listed alphabetically.
deckdir = <directory containing deckfile>
deckfile = <full name of deck>
drive <letter> = <drive number>
helpEditor = <Boolean>
numberWS = <maximum number of calculator worksheets>>
file = <path of swap file>
page = <size of swap page>
size = <size of swap file>
count = <number of user-defined size strings>
newSizes = <list of user-defined size strings>
order = <array of DefaultOrderEntry values>
name = <name string>
width = <width in points>
height = <height in points>
layout = <PageLayout structure>
floatingKeyboard = <Boolean>
otherAppSubMenu = <Boolean>
dosAssociations = {<list of associations>}
dosLaunchers = <Boolean>
dosParameters = <Boolean>
filenameTokens = {<list of associations>}
fontID = <font ID of font in folder windows>
fontSize = <point size of folder window font>
options = <number>
startupDrivesLocation = <number>
blinkingCursor = <Boolean>
clickToType = <Boolean>
doubleClickTime = <number of ticks>
keyboardOnly = <Boolean>
left handed = <Boolean>
mouseAccelMultiplier = <number>
mouseAccelThreshold = <number>
noKeyboard = <Boolean>
numberOfMouseButtons = <number>
quickShutdownOnReset = <Boolean>
reboot on reset = <Boolean>
selectDisplaysMenu = <Boolean>
selectRaises = <Boolean>
device = <full device name>
driver = <driver file name>
keyboardAltGr = <Boolean>
keyboardDoesLEDs = <Boolean>
keyboardShiftRelStr = <Boolean>
keyboardSwapCtrl = <Boolean>
keyboardTypematic = <number>
count = <number of user-defined size strings>
newSizes = <list of user-defined size strings>
order = <array of DefaultOrderEntry values>
name = <name string>
width = <width in points>
height = <height in points>
layout = <PageLayout structure>
name = <machine name>
port = <number>
baudRate = <number>
drives = <list of drives>
currencyDigits = <number of decimal digits for currency>
currencyLeadingZero = <Boolean>
currencySymbol = <character of currency symbol>
negativeSignBeforeNumber = <Boolean>
negativeSignBeforeSymbol = <Boolean>
spaceAroundSymbol = <Boolean>
symbolBeforeNumber = <Boolean>
useNegativeSign = <Boolean>
coprocessor = <library name for coprocessor>
modems = {<modem name list>}
numberOfModems = <number>
[<modem name>]
baudRate = <number>
handshake = <hardware, software>
parity = <none, even, odd, mark, space>
stopBits = <number>
stopLocal = <dsr, dcd, cts>
stopRemote = <dtr, rts>
toneDial = <Boolean>
wordLength = <number>
device = <full device name>
driver = <driver file name>
info = <number>
irq = <number>
port = <number>
InitDrivers = {<list of driver geodes>}
count = <number of user-defined size strings>
newSizes = <list of user-defined size strings>
order = <array of DefaultOrderEntry values>
name = <name string>
width = <width in points>
height = <height in points>
layout = <PageLayout structure>
port <number of parallel port> = <level of port>
<standard path> = <other paths to merge>
ini = <additional .INI files to load>
inisaved = <path of saved .INI file>
sharedTokenDatabase = <path of shared token db file>
count = <number>
defaultPrinter = <number>
numFacsimiles = <number>
numPrinters = <number>
printers = {<list of print devices>}
[<printer device name>]
baudRate = <speed of serial communication>
device = <full device name>
driver = <file name of driver>
handshake = <handshake for serial communication>
parity = <parity for serial communication>
port = <port name>
stopBits = <stop bits for serial communication>
type = <type of print device>
wordLength = <word size for serial communication>
[screen 0]
device = <full name of device>
driver = <file name of driver>
oldDevice = <full name of device formerly used>
oldDriver = <file name of drivr formerly used)
port <number of serial port> = <level of port>
sampleDriver = <driver file name>
synthDriver = <driver file name>
uiOptions = <SpoolUIOptions>
continueSetup = <Boolean>
drive <letter> = <number>
font = <drivers to be loaded>
fontid = <font to be used as the default>
fontsize = <point size of default font>
fs = <drivers to be loaded>
handles = <number of handles>
inkTimeout = <ticks until ink is processed>
maxTotalHeapSpace = <memory size>
memory = <swap drivers to be loaded>
noFontDriver = <Boolean>
notes = <string>
noVidMem = <Boolean>
pda = <Boolean>
penBased = <Boolean>
power = <file name of power management driver>
serialNumber = <serial number of installed GEOS>
setupMode = <mode for graphical setup application>
splashcolor = <background color>
splashscreen = <Boolean>
splashtext = <text message>
autoCheckSelections = <Boolean>
autoSuggest = <Boolean>
dialect = <dialect code>
dictionary = <file name of dictionary used by spell checker>
hyphenationDictionary = <file name of dictionary>
hyphenationLanguage = <name of language>
language = <language code>
languageName = <name of language in use>
resetSkippedWordsWhenBoxCloses = <Boolean>
smartQuotes = <Boolean>
autosave = <Boolean>
autosaveTime = <seconds between autosaves>
background = <file name of background graphic>
backgroundattr = <t, c, or x>
backgroundcolor = <color index of background>
confirmShutdown = <Boolean>
deleteStateFilesAfterCrash = <Boolean>
doNotDisplayResetBox = <Boolean>
execOnStartup = <list of programs to run on startup>
generic = <generic UI file name>
hardIconsLibrary = <string>
haveEnvironmentApp = <Boolean>
hwr = <file name of handwriting recognition library>
kbdAcceleratorMode = <Boolean>
noClipboard = <Boolean>
noSpooler = <Boolean>
noTaskSwitcher = <Boolean>
noTokenDatabase = <Boolean>
overstrikeMode = <Boolean>
password = <Boolean>
passwordText = <encrypted text>
penInputDisplayType = <number of display type>
productName = <name of the product>
screenBlanker = <Boolean>
screenBlankerTimeout = <number of minutes>
showTitleScreen = <Boolean>
sound = <Boolean>
specific = <specific UI file name>
tinyScreen = <Boolean>
unbuildControllers = <Boolean>
xScreenSize = <width of screen>
yScreenSize = <height of screen>
[<specific ui name>]
fontid = <font>
fontsize = <size in points>
[ui features]
backupDir = <directory for quick backup files>
defaultLauncher = <relative path of application launcher>
docControlFSLevel = <number>
docControlOptions = <number>
expressOptions = <number>
helpOptions = <number>
interfaceLevel = <number>
interfaceOptions = <number>
launchLevel = <number>
launchModel = <number>
launchOptions = <number>
quitOnClose = <Boolean>
windowOptions = <number>
[uiFeatures - intro]
[uiFeatures - beginner]
[uiFeatures - advanced]
enteredprofessionalroom = <Boolean>
startup = <application name to start>
startupRoom = <name of startup room>
9.2.1 cards
The cards category contains information used by the cards library. The cards library provides routines used by card games. The cards category contains information about how to access the file containing the bitmap to be used as the card back picture.
deckdir = <deck directory>
This optional field shows the path which contains the file named in the deckfile key, described below. If this key is not given, the cards library will look for deck files in the USERDATA\DECK directory.
deckfile = <deck name>
The deckfile key defines the full name of the deck to be used by the card library. This is most useful in cases like the Zoomer, which must have its own card artwork. By default, the cards library will look in the USERDATA\DECK directory.
deckfile = Zoomer Default Deck
9.2.2 configure
The configure category contains miscellaneous configuration information for GEOS. The drive key is exactly like the drive key in the system category.
drive <letter> = <number>
This key allows you to override the drive-map initialization done by the primary filesystem driver. You can not make a driver believe a nonexistent drive exists, but you can change the presumed media or make the driver ignore a drive. More than one drive may be remapped.
The letter argument is the drive letter of the drive to be remapped. The number argument defines the new drive definition and is one of the following values:
-1 fixed disk
0 ignore the drive
360 360 K 5.25-inch disk
720 720 K 3.5-inch disk
1200 1.2 meg 5.25-inch disk
1440 1.44 meg 3.5-inch disk
2880 2.88 meg 3.5-inch disk
Some examples of drive remappings are shown below:
drive d = 0 ; ignore drive D:
drive a = 360 ; make GEOS think drive A: is 360K
helpEditor = <Boolean>
If true, this key indicates that GeoWrite should add a new Help Editor feature. This must be on if you are planning on creating help files for your application. The Help Editor feature may be turned on by selecting “Fine Tune” in the user level dialog box in GeoWrite. More information on the Help Editor can be found in the chapter on the help system.
helpEditor = true
helpEditor = false
numberWS = <number of calculator worksheets>
When users use the worksheets feature of the calculator, each worksheet they use will be loaded into memory. Normally, these worksheets are kept in memory so that the user may quickly go back to a worksheet they were using previously. Some low-memory devices may prefer that fewer worksheets are cached in this manner. The numberWS specifies a maximum number of worksheets that may be so cached.
9.2.3 diskswap
The diskswap category defines swap information for the GEOS swap file. Generally, you won’t set these keys individually; GEOS will set them as required.
file = <path of swap file>
This category defines the file used by the disk swap driver for swapping.
page = <size of swap page>
This key defines the page size of a swap page.
page = 2048
size = <size of swap file>
This key defines the maximum size of the swap file.
size = 2048
9.2.4 envelope
This category keeps track of any customizations the user may have made to the list of envelope paper sizes.
count = <number>
This is the number of user-defined envelope sizes.
newSizes = <list of paper size codes>
This list contains a list of all user-defined envelope sizes. The paper size information for each of these sizes will be stored in a catgory named [envelnum], where num is the three-letter code in this list.
order = <list of paper size codes>
This list contains a list of all envelope sizes in the order that the user wants them to appear in envelope size lists.
9.2.5 envel num
This category contains size and layout for a user-defined envelope size.
height = <number>
This field holds the envelope’s height in points.
layout = <PageLayout value>
This field holds the envelope’s layout information.
name = <string>
This field holds the envelope’s full name.
width = <number>
This field holds the envelope’s width in points.
9.2.6 expressMenuControl
The expressMenuControl category defines the configuration of the express menu; see the ui features category for more express menu controls.
floatingKeyboard = <Boolean>
If true, this key adds an item to the express menu to bring up the floating keyboard (used for pen-based systems). The default is false.
floatingKeyboard = true
floatingKeyboard = false
maxNumDirs = <number>
If this field exists, then if there are more entries in the Other Apps section of the Express Menu than this, the Other Apps section will be forced into a submenu (and forced into a subgroup if less than this), regardless of “noSubMenus” and “otherAppSubMenu”. Defaults to 25 (the absolute maximum number of Other Apps entries).
noSubMenus = <Boolean>
If true, the express menu will not allow forcing the main applications,other applications, or desk accessories into submenus.
otherAppSubMenu = <Boolean>
If true, this key turns the “other applications” section in the express menu into a submenu rather than a subgroup. The default is false.
otherAppSubMenu = true
otherAppSubMenu = false
runningAppSubMenu = <Boolean>
If true, this key causes the express menu include a list of currently running GEOS applications as a submenu. If false, the list will be placed directly in the express menu.
runSubMenu = <Boolean>
If true, top level applications (those placed in the WORLD directory) and top level subdirectories (subdirectories of WORLD) will bwe placed in a submenu of the express menu.
9.2.7 fileManager
The fileManager category is used by file manager applications such as GeoManager. You will probably not find much cause to use these keys during your application development.
dosAssociations = {<list of associations>}
This key allows a user to associate DOS data files with DOS executables so a particular DOS executable will be launched when the user double-clicks the data file.
dosAssociations = {
dosLaunchers = <Boolean>
If true, this key allows DOS launchers to launch DOS programs. The default is true.
dosLaunchers = true
dosLaunchers = false
dosParameters = <Booeans>
If true, the file manager will allow the passing of parameters to DOS executables.
filenameTokens = {<list of associations>}
This key allows the user to set icon associations with DOS files. It also allows certain text files to be opened by the text file editor. Certain associations are made by default and should always appear; these are listed below.
filenameTokens = {
*.EXE = "gDOS",0
*.COM = "gDOS",0
*.BAT = "gDOS",0
*.TXT = "FILE",0,"TeEd",0
*.DOC = "FILE",0,"TeEd",0
*.HLP = "FILE",0,"TeEd",0
fontID = <number>
This key sets the font used by GeoManager (or another file manager) when displaying the names and information of files in the folder window. The font ID is set the same way as for the system category; if no font ID is named, the default system font will be used.
fondID = berkeley
fontSize = <number>
This key sets the font size used in a folder window. If not specified, it will default to the system font.
fontSize = 10
options = <number>
This key controls various file manager options. The options are set and cleared by the user using the file manager’s Options menu; the number is a decimal number representing the bits set or cleared for various options.
startupDrivesLocation = <number>
This key controls the initial location of drive buttons; it is set with the Options menu in the file manager.
9.2.8 input
The input category contains a number of keys that define how input is handled by the system. It affects the keyboard and mouse setup as well as how the UI responds to various user actions.
blinkingCursor = <Boolean>
If true, this key forces the text cursor to be a blinking cursor; it defaults to true. The screen dumper application requires a non-blinking cursor.
blinkingCursor = true
blinkingCursor = false
clickToType = <Boolean>
If true, this key requires the user to click in a window before the focus will change to that window. When this key is false, the UI will invoke a “real estate” mode, wherein the user’s typing will go to the window under the mouse, whether the mouse was clicked there or not. The default is true (click required).
clickToType = true
clickToType = false
doubleClickTime = <number of ticks>
This field specifies the time threshhold between clicks which should be recognized as a double-click. This time is expressed in 1/60th second “ticks”. The default value is 20.
keyboardOnly = <Boolean>
If true, this key indicates that GEOS is running on a system with only a keyboard (no mouse) for input. The default is false.
keyboardOnly = true
keyboardOnly = false
left handed
left handed = <Boolean>
If true, this key switches the left and right mouse button significance. For single-button mice, there is no effect; for three-button mice, the middle button stays the same. The default is false.
left handed = true
left handed = false
mouseAccelMultiplier = <number>
This key gives a multiplier to allow mouse acceleration along the following rule: any single event pixel movement beyond a given threshold (see mouseAccelThreshold) is multiplied by the multiplier. The multiplier defaults to one, which provides no acceleration. (A multiplier of three or four is fast.)
mouseAccelMultiplier = 1 ; no acceleration
mouseAccelMultiplier = 4 ; very fast
mouseAccelThreshold = <number>
This key gives the mouse acceleration threshold used with mouseAccelMultiplier (above) to provide mouse acceleration. This threshold is the number of pixels the mouse must move before acceleration is invoked.
mouseAccelThreshold = 5
noKeyboard = <Boolean>
If true, this key indicates that the system running GEOS has no keyboard. The default is false.
noKeyboard = true
noKeyboard = false
numberOfMouseButtons = <number>
This key defines the number of buttons the mouse has. This may be the value one, two, or three. The default is three.
numberOfMouseButtons = 1
numberOfMouseButtons = 2
numberOfMouseButtons = 3
quickShutdownOnReset = <Boolean>
If true, this key forces a Ctrl-Alt-Del sequence to force a dirty shutdown of GEOS. This defaults to true.
quickShutdownOnReset = true
quickShutdownOnReset = false
reboot on reset
reboot on reset = <Boolean>
If true, this key causes a Ctrl-Alt-Del sequence to warm-boot the machine rather than exit quickly to DOS. The default is false.
reboot on reset = true
reboot on reset = false
selectDisplaysMenu = <Boolean>
If true, this key reverses the left and right mouse buttons with respect to menus in some specific UIs. (For example, the left (select) button will open the menu, but the right (features) button will show and execute the default menu item.) The default is false.
selectDisplaysMenu = true
selectDisplaysMenu = false
selectRaises = <Boolean>
If true, this key causes a select-button click to raise the window in which the click occurred, if the window was behind other windows. The window will not be raised above other windows that are always kept on top (e.g. the help window and desk accessory applications). The default is true.
selectRaises = true
selectRaises = false
9.2.9 keyboard
device = <full device name>
This key defines the keyboard in use. It must be the keyboard device’s full name; in general, this should only be set by the Preferences manager application.
device = U.S. Keyboard
driver = <driver file name>
This key goes with the device key and defines the driver file name to be loaded. This should be set by the Preferences manager.
driver = kbd.geo
keyboardTypematic = <number>
This key defines both the repeat speed and delay before repeat for the keyboard. The number is an integer less than 128 (the high bit is ignored), and it is interpreted as three separate fields, as below:
bit 7 ignored
bit 6-5 DELAY (see below)
bit 4-3 PE (exponent portion of repeat period)
bit 2-0 PM (mantissa portion of repeat period)
The delay is calculated by the following formula:
delay = 1 second + (DELAY * 250 ms) +/- 20%
The period is calculated by the following formula
period = (8 + PM) * (2^PE) * 0.00417 seconds
If no typematic number is specified, GEOS sets the default to 44, which represents a medium delay and a medium repeat period.
keyboardTypematic = 0 ; short delay, fast repeat
keyboardTypematic = 127 ; long dalay, slow repeat
keyboardDoesLEDs = <Boolean>
If true, this key tells GEOS that the XT-class machine it’s running on supports BIOS-updated LEDs for Num Lock, Caps Lock, and Scroll Lock. Most XT-class machines do not support updating these LEDs. This field is unnecessary on AT-class and more advanced machines.
keyboardDoesLEDs = true
keyboardDoesLEDs = false
keyboardAltGr = <Boolean>
If true, this key makes the right Alt key function like Ctrl-Alt, as with many European setups.
keyboardAltGr = true
keyboardAltGr = false
keyboardShiftRelStr = <Boolean>
If true, this key makes the Shift keys release the Caps Lock, as with typewriters.
keyboardShiftRelStr = true
keyboardShiftRelStr = false
keyboardSwapCtrl = <Boolean>
If true, this key swaps the left Ctrl key with the Caps Lock key so the keyboard acts like many non-PC keyboards.
keyboardSwapCtrl = true
keyboardSwapCtrl = false
9.2.10 label
This category keeps track of any customizations the user may have made to the list of label paper sizes.
count = <number>
This is the number of user-defined label sizes.
newSizes = <list of paper size codes>
This list contains a list of all user-defined label sizes. The paper size information for each of these sizes will be stored in a catgory named [labelnum], where num is the three-letter code in this list.
order = <list of paper size codes>
This list contains a list of all label sizes in the order that the user wants them to appear in label size lists.
9.2.11 labelnum
This category contains size and layout for a user-defined label size.
height = <number>
This field holds the label’s height in points.
layout = <PageLayout value>
This field holds the label’s layout information.
name = <string>
This field holds the label’s full name.
width = <number>
This field holds the label’s width in points.
9.2.12 link
These fields are used by the Remote File System Driver to describe the machine to other machines that wish to access its drives. You may specify a name for the machine by which others may identify it and also set up communications parameters.
baudRate = <number>
This SerialBaud value defines the communication speed this machine supports for RFSD.
drives = <list of drives>
Normally, all of your drives will be accessible by the remote machine. This field allows you to specify exactly which drives are accessible. For instance, to restrict remote machines to accessing your C: and E: drives, use the following entry:
drives = {
C: E:
name = <machine name>
A string by which remote machines may identify you. When the remote machine sees your drives, their names will be
port = <SerialPortNum>
This number specifies which serial port is to be used for RFSD.
9.2.13 localization
The localization key defines various configuration aspects of the system as set by the user in the Preferences manager application. Each of the keys in this category specifies one aspect of the user’s system, typically an aspect defined by the country the user lives in. Because all of these keys are set in the Preferences manager application, they are not listed here. In general, keys which encode characters or strings will do so using ASCII values (e.g. “decimalSeparator = 2E” means that ‘.’ is the decimal separator). The kernel also provides a number of routines to get and set the localization parameters; for more information, see the chapter on Localization in the Concepts books.
9.2.14 math
coprocessor = <driver name>
The math category allows the user to override the way GEOS normally treats math coprocessors. The single key (coprocessor) specifies the coprocessor library to use; the math library will load that particular library, and the library will check to ensure the proper coprocessor chip exists. If the chip is present, the library will be used; if the chip is absent, the math library will use software emulation of a coprocessor.
coprocessor = none ; use software emulation
coprocessor = intx87.geo ; Intel 80387, 80486
coprocessor = intx8087.geo ; Intel 80287, 8087
9.2.15 modem
The modem category defines the modems attached to the system. Each modem must have its name listed in the name list, and each modem named in the list must have its own category (see the modem name category, below).
modems = {<modem name list>}
This key defines all the modems attached to the system. Each modem in the list must have its own category in the .INI file, as shown below.
modems = My Modem
modems = { My Slow Modem
My Fast Modem }
numberOfModems = <number>
This key defines the number of modems specified in the modems list (above).
numberOfModems = 1
numberOfModems = 2
9.2.16 modem name
Each modem listed in the modems keyword in the modem category must have its own category. The category is named for the modem name in the list. Thus, the following example shows that each modem in the system has its own category:
numberOfModems = 2
modems = {My Slow Modem
My Fast Modem }
[My Slow Modem]
port = COM1
baudRate = 300
toneDial = true
parity = none
wordLength = 8
stopBits = 1
handshake = software
[My Fast Modem]
port = COM3
baudRate = 19200
toneDial = true
parity = none
wordLength = 8
stopBits = 1
handshake = software
baudRate = <number>
This key defines the modem`s baud rate.
baudRate = 2400
baudRate = 9600
handshake = <hardware, software>
This key indicates the type of handshake used by the modem. It must be one of the values specified.
handshake = hardware
handshake = software
parity = <none, even, odd, mark, space>
This key indicates the modem’s parity type. It must be one of the values shown above.
parity = none
parity = even
stopBits = <number>
This key specifies the number of stop bits used by the modem. This should be 1, 1.5, or 2.
stopBits = 1
stopBits = 1.5
stopBits = 2
stopLocal = <dsr, dcd, cts>
If hardware handshaking is used, this key specifies which line the serial driver will watch for the stop signal.
stopLocal = dsr
stopLocal = dcd
stopLocal = cts
stopRemote = <dtr, rts>
If hardware handshaking is used, this key specifies which line the serial driver will use to make the remote side of the connection stop.
stopRemote = dtr
stopRemote = rts
toneDial = <Boolean>
If true, this key indicates that the modem may use tone dialing. The default is true.
toneDial = true
toneDial = false
wordLength = <number>
This key indicates the communication word length. This should be a number between five and eight inclusive.
wordLength = 8
9.2.17 mouse
The mouse category defines the mouse driver and specifics of the mouse attached to the GEOS system. Both the device and driver keys are required; the others are optional.
device = <device name>
This key defines the type of mouse attached. It must be the full device name and is typically set during setup of the system.
device = Logitech Bus Mouse
device = No idea
driver = <file name>
This key defines the file name of the mouse driver in use.
info = <number>
This key defines the “extra word” of data for the mouse. This is an internal structure set by the mouse driver.
irq = <number>
This key allows you to set the interrupt level of a mouse that needs it; most mice do not need to be told their interrupt level.
irq = 4
port = <number>
This key specifies the port of a serial mouse, if necessary. The port number is one, two, three, or four, appropriate to the COM port being used.
port = 3
9.2.18 net library
InitDrivers = { <list of driver geodes> }
This is a list of network drivers to use. The Net library will attempt to load these driver geodes.
9.2.19 paper
This category keeps track of any customizations the user may have made to the list of paper sizes.
count = <number>
This is the number of user-defined paper sizes.
newSizes = <list of paper size codes>
This list contains a list of all user-defined paper sizes. The paper size information for each of these sizes will be stored in a catgory named [papernum], where num is the three-letter code in this list.
order = <list of paper size codes>
This list contains a list of all paper sizes in the order that the user wants them to appear in paper size lists.
9.2.20 papernum
This category contains size and layout for a user-defined paper size.
height = <number>
This field holds the page’s height in points.
layout = <PageLayout value>
This field holds the paper’s layout information.
name = <string>
This field holds the paper’s full name.
width = <number>
This field holds the paper’s width in points.
9.2.21 parallel
port <number> = <level>
The parallel category defines all the parallel ports available on the machine running GEOS. If a port is not defined in this category, GEOS will not recognize its existence. The single key in this category may be used numerous times, once for each available parallel port.
The port key defines the hardware interrupt level for the specified port. The normal entries for the three base parallel ports are shown in the examples below. If no level is provided for a port, the parallel driver will assign the values shown below; if no interrupt level is available for a port, GEOS will instead spawn a background thread for it. Setting any port’s value will override other defaults (e.g. if you set port two to have level seven, port one will be set to level five, unless GEOS is on an XT- or PC-class machine).
port 1 = 7
port 2 = 5
port 3 = 0
9.2.22 paths
The paths category defines other directories to add into a standard path as well as additional INI files and the location of the shared token database. Adding directories to standard paths is useful both in network situations and if you want your application installed in a special directory but linked to the WORLD directory. This category uses five different keys, as shown below.
standard paths
<standard path> = <additional paths>
Each standard path is its own key, and you can merge other directories into any standard path. Some examples are shown below.
userdata font = N:\NETFONTS F:\SPECFONT
ini = <file names>
This key defines up to three additional INI files to be loaded read-only. When GEOS searches for a key, the local (current) INI file is scanned first, followed by the additional INI files in the order they’re defined. The first occasion of the key will be used; thus, the local INI file can supersede other settings.
ini = personal.ini INI\mydevice.ini n:\shared.ini
inisaved = <files>
This key is used only if GEOS is run with the /psaved argument. That is, if the user runs GEOS thus:
C>GEOS /psaved
then GEOS will look for the inisaved key rather than the ini key for additional INI files. Similarly, if the user instead runs
C>GEOS /pxxx
GEOS will look for a key called inixxx for the names of the files to be used.
inisaved = net.ini
inisaved = demo.ini net.ini
sharedTokenDatabase = <path>
This key defines the location of the shared token database file. This key is most useful in network situations, when many users may be sharing a single token database.
sharedTokenDatabase = N:\NETFILES\TOKEN_DA.000
9.2.23 printer
The printer category defines all the printers configured for the system running GEOS. The printers key within this category (see below) defines the printer names, each of which must then have its own category in the INI file (see the following section under printer device name).
count = <number>
This key indicates the number of printers installed.
count = 0 ; no printers installed
count = 2 ; two printers installed
defaultPrinter = <number>
This key specifies the number of the installed printer that will act as the default device.
defaultPrinter = 2 ; printer #2 is the default
numFacsimiles = <number>
This key specifies the number of installed print devices which are actually fax drivers rather than printer drivers.
numFacsimiles = 1
numPrinters = <number>
This key specifies the number of installed print devices which are actually printers (as opposed to faxes or other devices).
numPrinters = 2
printers = {<list of devices>}
This key defines all the installed print devices. Each entry in the list is the device name; the list must be a blob, with one printer named per line as in the example below. Each entry in the list must also have its own category defining the driver, device name, port, and type.
printers = { My Printer
My PostScript to file }
9.2.24 printer device name
Each printer defined in the printers key of the printer category (see above) must have its own category. The name of the category must be the same as the printer named in the installed printers list of the printer category. The keys below define the printer’s characteristics.
baudRate = <number>
This key defines the printer’s communication rate, for those printers which communicate via a serial connection.
device = <device name>
This key defines the device name of the installed print device.
device = Apple LaserWriter Plus v38.0 (PostScript)
driver = <file name>
This key defines the print driver used for the installed print device.
driver = PostScript driver
handshake = <hardware, software>
This key indicates the type of handshake used by the printer for those printers which communciate via a serial connection. It must be one of the values specified above.
handshake = hardware
handshake = software
parity = <none, even, odd, mark, space>
This key indicates the printer’s parity type for those printers which communicate via a serial connection. It must be one of the values shown above.
parity = none
parity = even
port = <port name>
This key specifies the port to which the device is attached. This must be one of the values shown in the following examples.
port = LPT1
port = LPT2
port = LPT3
port = COM1
port = COM2
port = COM3
port = COM4
port = FILE
stopBits = <number>
This key specifies the number of stop bits used by the printer for those printers which communciate via a serial connection. This should be 1, 1.5, or 2.
stopBits = 1
stopBits = 1.5
stopBits = 2
type = <number>
This key defines the type of device this installed print device is. The number indicates the PrinterDriverType as defined in spool.goh.
type = 0 ; PDT_PRINTER
type = 3 ; PDT_CAMERA
wordLength = <number>
This key indicates the communication word length for those printers which communciate via a serial connection. This should be a number between five and eight inclusive.
wordLength = 8
9.2.25 screen 0
The screen N category is used to define the characteristics of each screen in the system. Currently, GEOS completely supports only one screen, which is called screen 0. This screen’s characteristics are defined by the screen 0 category.
device = <device name>
This key specifies the full device name of the screen’s device. The standard devices are shown in the examples below.
device = Hercules HGC: 720x348 Mono
device = IBM MCGA: 640x480 Mono
device = CGA: 640x200 Mono
device = EGA: 640x350 16-color
device = VGA: 640x480 16-color
driver = <file name>
This key specifies the file name of the driver used to run this screen.
driver = vga.geo
olddevice = <device name>
When the user switches between video drivers, the system keeps track of the old device name in case the user made a mistake and wants to switch back. It will store the old value of the “device” field in this field.
olddriver = <file name>
When the user switches between video drivers, the system keeps track of the old driver name in case the user made a mistake and wants to switch back. It will store the old value of the “driver” field in this field.
userdevice = <device name>
GEOS doesn’t use this field. The Debug utility uses this field to store the user’s personal video device choice when simulating hardware devices that would not support the choice.
userdriver = <file name>
GEOS doesn’t use this field. The Debug utility uses this field to store the user’s personal video driver choice when simulating hardware devices that would not support the choice.
9.2.26 serial
port <number> = <level>
The serial category defines all the serial ports available on the machine running GEOS. If a port is not defined in this category, GEOS will not recognize its existence. The single key in this category may be used numerous times, once for each available serial port.
The port key defines the hardware interrupt level for the specified port. The normal entries for the four base serial ports are shown in the examples below. If no value is specified, GEOS will try to generate an interrupt for the port and set the value itself. (It only checks levels three and four, though.) Note also that on an AT-class machine, level two for a card is actually level nine specified here.
port 1 = 4
port 2 = 3
port 3 = 4 ; may not work if port 1 is in use
port 4 = 3 ; may not work if port 2 is in use
9.2.27 sound
The sound category is used by the sound library to determine which sound driver is selected for the system running GEOS.
sampleDriver = <driver file name>
This key specifies the sound driver that will be used to process all the sampled sounds produced by the system. If this key is not set, the standard sound driver (standard.geo) will be used.
sampleDriver = sblaster.geo
synthDriver = <driver file name>
This key specifies the sound driver that will be used for all synthesized sounds (beeps, UI sounds, etc.) If this key is not set, the standard sound driver (standard.geo) will be used.
synthDriver = standard.geo
9.2.28 spool
simpleUI = <Boolean>
The spool category has a single key used by the print spooler to configure its user interface. If true, the simpleUI key will display only a simple UI scheme; this is especially useful for small-screen devices because it significantly reduces the size of the print control dialog box. The default is false.
simpleUI = true
simpleUI = false
9.2.29 system
The system category defines system configuration and setup. Most of the keys in this category are set and maintained by the Preferences manager application. These keys, with their formats and possible values, are shown in the following sections.
continueSetup = <Boolean>
If this key is set true, GEOS will begin by running the graphical setup program in the proper setup modes. If false, GEOS will bypass the graphical setup. After running, the graphical setup program will reset this field to false. This field overrides the execOnStartup key of the ui category.
continueSetup = true
continueSetup = false
drive <letter> = <number>
This key allows you to override the drive-map initialization done by the primary filesystem driver. You can not make a driver believe a nonexistent drive exists, but you can change the presumed media or make the driver ignore a drive. More than one drive may be remapped.
The letter argument is the drive letter of the drive to be remapped. The number argument defines the new drive definition and is one of the following values:
-1 fixed disk
0 ignore the drive
360 360 K 5.25-inch disk
720 720 K 3.5-inch disk
1200 1.2 meg 5.25-inch disk
1440 1.44 meg 3.5-inch disk
2880 2.88 meg 3.5-inch disk
Some examples of drive remappings are shown below:
drive d = 0 ; ignore drive D:
drive a = 360 ; make GEOS think drive A: is 360K
font = <driver file names>
This key causes the named font driver to be loaded. If this key doesn’t exist, nimbus.geo will automatically be loaded (the default driver). More than one driver may be specified on a single line or in a blob format, as shown in the examples below. (Note, though, that at current only nimbus.geo is recognized.)
font = nimbus.geo otherdrv.geo
font = { nimbus.geo
otherdrv.geo }
fontid = <font name>
This key specifies the default font used in the event a requested font does not exist. This font will also be used when putting up system alert boxes (such as Abort/Retry boxes). The only available default font currently is Berkeley; typically, this will be a bitmap font rather than an outline font.
fontid = berkeley
fontmenu = <string of numbers>
This field specifies the order of fonts which should appear in font menus presented by font control objects. This is encoded as a string of numbers, four hex digits for each font, those four digits containing the font ID of the appropriate font. Thus, if the font ID’s for the URW Roman and Berkeley fonts are 0x3000 and 0x0202, respectively, then if they are to be the first fonts in the font menu, the fontmenu field would read:
fontmenu = 30000202
fontsize = <number>
This key specifies the point size of the default font. If an application requests a font that can’t be found, the default point size specified here is used with the font specified with fontid. Berkeley supports 9, 10, 12, 14, and 18, though 18 is normally too large for many applications.
fontsize = 10
fontmenu = <string of numbers>
This field specifies the order of fonts which should appear in font pop-up list presented by font control objects. This is encoded as a string of numbers, four hex digits for each font, those four digits containing the font ID of the appropriate font. Thus, if the font ID’s for the URW Roman and Berkeley fonts are 0x3000 and 0x0202, respectively, then if they are to be the first fonts in the font pop-up list, the fontool field would read:
fonttool = 30000202
fs = <driver file names>
This key defines the file system drivers to be loaded. The kernel will by default attempt to load the primary IFS driver for the detected version of DOS; if it can not determine the primary IFS driver, the proper driver must be specified in the INI file under this key. Multiple file system drivers may be specified either on a single line or in blob format. The current secondary IFS drivers available are
Used for Novell Netware systems.
Used for LANtastic and other networks that support the standard DOS device redirection calls.
Used for CD-ROM drives accessed through MSCDEX.EXE.
fs = netware.geo
fs = { msnet.geo
cdrom.geo }
handles = <number>
This key specifies the number of handles GEOS should set as the maximum in the handle table. This should be set to something most likely 2000 or above, and it may be set in the Preferences manager application. If nothing is set in this key, the kernel will assume a default of 1000 handles.
handles = 2000
inkTimeout = <number>
This key sets the number of ticks (60 ticks in a second) the system will wait after the user has stopped drawing before processing ink input. The default is nine tenths of a second, or 54.
inkTimeout = 54
maxTotalHeapSpace = <size of heap in paragraphs>
This field causes the GeodeLoad() routine to operate in transparent launch mode. The value given represents the overall size of the heap, in paragraphs, excepting system libraries that are always in memory. It should be determined on the target machine itself, by starting up, then running the TCL function “heapspace total”. A common value for this field is around 31000.
memory = <driver file names>
This key defines the swap drivers that should be loaded. Swap drivers allow GEOS to use memory above the conventional 640 K. The kernel attempts to determine what type of memory is available and load the appropriate swap driver. This key is settable by the user with the Preferences manager application. The four driver names recognized are
LIM 4.0 standard expanded memory driver. A DOS-level memory driver must be loaded (e.g. EMM.SYS), typically in CONFIG.SYS.
80286 extended memory driver.
XMS/HIMEM.SYS driver. A DOS-level driver must also be loaded (e.g. HIMEM.SYS), typically in CONFIG.SYS.
Disk swap driver. This should be loaded in all cases where a disk swap file is desired.
memory = disk.geo
memory = { disk.geo
xms.geo }
noFontDriver = <Boolean>
If true, this key tells GEOS not to load the font driver; this is useful only when it is known beforehand that outline fonts are not available; it will reduce startup time of GEOS. If the key does not exist, it defaults to false. If used improperly, this key can cause bad things to happen in the system.
noFontDriver = true
noFontDriver = false
notes = <string>
This field isn’t used by GEOS proper. The Debug utility will search for this field when looking for text describing a platform which the .ini file simulates.
noVidMem = <Boolean>
If true, this key tells GEOS not to load the vidmem driver, which is used for printing; it will reduce startup time of GEOS and should be used only if it is known beforehand that printing will not be attempted. If the key does not exist, it defaults to false. If used improperly, this key can cause bad things to happen in the system.
noVidMem = true
noVidMem = false
pda = <Boolean>
This field indicates whether GEOS is running on a PDA device. Currently this field is only used by the UI to provide alternate error strings.
penBased = <Boolean>
If true, this key tells GEOS that it is running on a pen-based system and that some objects will want to receive ink or other pen input. If the key is not set, it defaults to false.
penBased = true
penBased = false
power = <driver file name>
This key defines the power management drivers to be loaded, if any. If no driver is specified, the kernel will try to identify whether one is needed and then load it if necessary.
power = casio.geo
serialNumber = <number>
This key holds a predefined serial number for use by developers. This number will be given to you by Geoworks either directly or in the package you receive containing GEOS. Normally, this number is entered by the user when GEOS first finishes its graphical setup program.
setupMode = <number>
This key indicates the mode of the graphical setup program. This should be a number from zero to three; for full graphical setup, set it to zero. Other modes are internal in nature and should not be set.
setupMode = 0
splashColor = <Color value>
If the splashscreen option has been turned on, this field will determine the background color of any text splash screens shown.
splashscreen = <Boolean>
This permits the GEOS loader to display a message on one of the five simple graphics mode screens while GEOS is loading.
splashText = <string>
If the splashscreen option has been turned on, this field will determine the text of the message to display.
9.2.30 text
The text category defines various characteristics of GEOS for the text objects, the spelling checker, and localization.
autoCheckSelections = <Boolean>
If true, this key instructs the spelling checker to check the spelling of the selected text automatically when the user brings up the spell-check box. The default is true.
autoCheckSelections = true
autoCheckSelections = false
autoSuggest = <Boolean>
If true, this key instructs the spelling checker to suggest other spellings automatically if a misspelling is found. The default is false.
autoSuggest = true
autoSuggest = false
dialect = <dialect code>
This key defines the dialect code used by the dictionary for spelling. Different dictionaries use different dialects within their own language. The Each dialect is represented by a number; the default setting is 128. The different dialects are listed below, by dictionary.
English 32 IZE British (realize/colour)
64 ISE British (realise/colour)
128 American (realize/color)
Dutch 64 Standard and non-preferred forms
128 Standard Dutch forms only
French 64 Accents on uppercase characters
128 No accents on uppercase characters
German 64 German Doppel s
128 German Scharfes s
Norwegian 64 Nynorsk standard
128 Bokmal standard
Portuguese 64 Brazilian Portuguese
128 Iberian Portuguese
Some examples of setting the dialect are shown below.
dialect = 64
dialect = 128
dictionary = <file name>
This key allows the user or the Preferences manager application to set the dictionary used by the spelling checker. The dictionary is set by specifying the file name of the dictionary data file; the default value is that for the English dictionary.
dictionary = IDNF9111.DAT ; Danish
dictionary = IENC9121.DAT ; English
dictionary = IFRF9121.DAT ; French
dictionary = IGRF9112.DAT ; German
dictionary = IITF9110.DAT ; Italian
dictionary = IPOF9110.DAT ; Portuguese
dictionary = ISPF9110.DAT ; Spanish
language = <number>
This key specifies the language in use by GEOS. The number is a language code (as shown in the examples below), and the user may set the language with the Preferences manager application. The default is English, 16.
language = 5 ; French
language = 6 ; German
language = 7 ; Swedish
language = 8 ; Spanish
language = 9 ; Italian
language = 10 ; Danish
language = 11 ; Dutch
language = 12 ; Portuguese
language = 13 ; Norwegian
language = 14 ; Finnish
language = 15 ; Swiss
language = 16 ; English
languageName = <name of language>
This key specifies the name of the language in use; the default is American English. This key is normally set by the Preferences manager application.
languageName = American English
resetSkippedWordsWhenBoxCloses = <Boolean>
If true, this key instructs the spelling checker to reset its list of skipped words when the user closes the spelling check box. The default is true.
resetSkippedWordsWhenBoxCloses = true
resetSkippedWordsWhenBoxCloses = false
smartQuotes = <Boolean>
If true, this key instructs the text object to use “smart quotes,” quotation marks that curl themselves appropriately to their positions when typed. If this key is false, standard typewriter-style quotation marks will be used. The default is false; this is settable by the user in the Preferences manager application.
smartQuotes = true
smartQuotes = false
9.2.31 ttfDriver
bytecodeInterpreterActive = <Boolean>
If false, this key tells the ttf driver that the bytecode interpreter should not be used. The default value is true.
bytecodeInterpreterActive = true
bytecodeInterpreterActive = false
9.2.32 ui
autosave = <Boolean>
If true, this key tells GEOS to turn on the automatic backup feature; this may be set in the Preferences manager application.
autosave = true
autosave = false
autosaveTime = <number>
This key indicates the number of seconds between autosave operations, if the autosave keyword is set to true. This may be set with the Preferences manager application.
autosaveTime = 300
background = <filename>
This key defines the file containing the picture to use as the background graphic. This is normally set by the Preferences manager application.
background = Bricks
backgroundattr = <t, c, or x>
This key defines how the background picture should be displayed; it is normally set by the Preferences manager application.
t - Tile the picture.
c - Center the picture on the screen.
x - Place picture in upper-left corner of the screen.
backgroundattr = c
backgroundattr = t
backgroundcolor = <number>
This key defines the color of the background graphic. This is normally set by the Preferences manager application. The number is the color index of the color to be used.
backgroundcolor = 0
backgroundcolor = 12
backgroundDisabledOnField = <Boolean>
If true, this key tells GEOS no to render the configured background image on the field. This is useful if ISDesk is used as launcher which is fullscreen and renders the background image itself.
backgroundDisabledOnField = true
backgroundDisabledOnField = false
deleteStateFilesAfterCrash = <Boolean>
If true, this key tells GEOS to delete state files after every non-clean shutdown. If you set this, you will probably want to set the doNotDisplayResetBox key true as well.
deleteStateFilesAfterCrash = true
deleteStateFilesAfterCrash = false
doNotDisplayResetBox = <Boolean>
If true, this key tells GEOS not to display the system dialog box asking whether the user wants to reset the system or not after a crash. If you set this true, you should also set deleteStateFilesAfterCrash true, or some crashes may allow bad state files to keep GEOS from restarting properly.
doNotDisplayResetBox = true
doNotDisplayResetBox = false
execOnStartup = <program list>
This key defines applications to be run when the UI is loaded (when GEOS starts up), named for their GEOS long names. The default is not to execute any additional programs.
execOnStartup = {Lights Out Launcher
CD Player Application }
generic = <file name>
This key defines the generic UI library that is to be used by GEOS. You will not need to set this; it will default to ui.geo.
generic = ui.geo
generic = uiec.geo
hardIconsLibrary = <string>
This is the long name of the library which provides the hard icon UI for a PC-based demo of a PDA device.
haveEnvironmentApp = <Boolean>
If true, this key indicates that GEOS is using an environment application such as Welcome. If an environment application is being used, that application must be specified in the defaultLauncher key in the uiFeatures category. During debugging, you may set this key false and set the execOnStartup key to the application you’re debugging to have GEOS come up directly into your application.
haveEnvironmentApp = true
haveEnvironmentApp = false
hwr = <file name>
This key indicates the handwriting recognition library to be loaded, if any. If GEOS is not on a pen-based system (penBased = true in the system category), then no handwriting recognition library will be loaded.
hwr = palm.geo
kbdAcceleratorMode =
If false , this key tells GEOS to ignore keyboard accelerators. By default, this is true and keyboard accelerators are allowed; this is independent of whether the accelerators are drawn or not. See also the uiFeatures category’s windowOptions key.
kbdAcceleratorMode = true
kbdAcceleratorMode = false
noClipboard = <Boolean>
If true, this key prevents the UI from opening the clipboard file on startup. This is an optimization used when we want to open the clipboard only later on in a particular application.
noSpooler = <Boolean>
If true, this key prevents the UI from launching the spooler. This can be used to improve startup time if the system running GEOS knows beforehand that the spooler is not required. Very few systems will set this true.
noSpooler = true
noSpooler = false
noTaskSwitcher = <Boolean>
If true, this key prevents the UI from loading a task switch driver. This may be used to improve startup time if the system running GEOS knows in advance it will never use a task switcher.
noTaskSwitcher = true
noTaskSwitcher = false
noTokenDatabase = <Boolean>
If true, this key prevents the token database from being initialized. This is useful as an optimization when GEOS will not need icons-that is, when GEOS starts up and runs just a single application.
noTokenDatabase = true
noTokenDatabase = false
overstrikeMode = <Boolean>
If false , this key prevents the user from switching into overstrike mode; it defaults to true, and it is settable in the Preferences manager application.
overstrikeMode = true
overstrikeMode = false
password = <Boolean>
This field turns the system password on or off.
passwordText = <string>
Encrypted text of the password string, if any.
penInputDisplayType = <number>
This key defines the PenInputDisplayType to be shown when the PenInputControl object is brought up. The PenInputControl object displays the floating keyboard in one of several display types. See the PenInputDisplayType enumerated type for definitions of its values.
penInputDisplayType = 1 ; floating keyboard
penInputDisplayType = 7 ; handwriting area
productName = <name>
This key holds the string displayed in the GEOS shutdown dialog box; for example, it will put up a string similar to “Are you sure you want to exit <productName>
productName = GEOS
screenBlanker = <Boolean>
If this field true, then the user wishes to save the screen after an idle time period specified by means of the screenBlankerTimeout field.
screenBlankerTimeout = <number of minutes>
If the user has turned on screen blanking, this is the number of minutes the system will stand idle before screen-saving turns on.
showTitleScreen = <Boolean>
If true, this key instructs GEOS to put up a title screen. This defaults to false.
showTitleScreen = true
showTitleScreen = false
sound = <Boolean>
If true, this key instructs GEOS to turn sound on. If it’s false, sound will be off. This is settable by the Preferences manager application.
sound = true
sound = false
specific = <file name>
This key defines specific UI libraries to be loaded by GEOS. It defaults to motif.geo.
specific = motif.geo
tinyScreen = <Boolean>
If true, this key tells GEOS that it’s running on a small-screened device such as the Zoomer; it defaults to false. You can use this key during development if you’re working on applications for a small-screen platform; it affects certain characteristics of the UI.
tinyScreen = true
tinyScreen = false
unbuildControllers = <Boolean>
If true, the UI will destroy the child blocks of controllers when the controller’s menu/dialog box is closed. The child block will have to be regenerated every time the menu/dialog is opened-this is a memory for time tradeoff.
xScreenSize = <number>
This key tells GEOS the screen width, in GEOS coordinates. If this key isn’t set explicitly, the kernel will set it to the default screen size. This key is used primarily when developing for small-screen platforms such as Zoomer.
xScreenSize = 256
yScreenSize = <number>
This key tells GEOS the screen height, in GEOS coordinates. If this key isn’t set explicitly, the kernel will set it to the default screen size. This key is used primarily when developing for small-screen platforms such as Zoomer.
yScreenSize = 344
9.2.33 specific ui name
Each specific UI may have a category with options; this category should be named after the specific UI, e.g. [motif].
fontid = <font>
This field allows the user to specify a font that the specific UI should use when drawing text monikers for gadgets such as menus and buttons.
fontsize = <size in points>
This field allows the user to specify a font size that the specific UI should use when drawing text monikers for gadgets such as menus and buttons.
9.2.34 ui features
The ui features category defines the UI configuration used by the environment application (e.g. Welcome) and all applications on the execOnStartup list in the ui category. On systems with no environment application, this category defines the UI configuration for all applications.
Related categories, uiFeatures - intro, uiFeatures - beginner, and uiFeatures - advanced, support the same keys. Each of these categories defines the configuration for a specific “room” of the Welcome application. Other environment applications will also use these keys for different “rooms.”
backupDir = <relative path>
This key defines the directory in which the document control object will place quick-backup copies of document files. The default is PRIVDATA\BACKUP.
defaultLauncher = <relative path>
This key defines the directory and application that acts as the default application launcher. This key should always have some application specified; otherwise, no application will start when GEOS loads. The path specified should be relative to the WORLD directory.
defaultLauncher = Utilities\GeoManager
docControlFSLevel = <number>
This key specifies the document control’s file selector user level. The file selector box has three different configurations; set the appropriate number (below) to determine which configuration is used.
0 No directories
1 Directories shown, simple UI configuration
2,3 Directories shown, complete UI configuration
An example of setting the file selector level is shown below.
docControlFSLevel = 2
docControlOptions = <number>
This key turns on or off a number of other features in the document control object. The features are controlled by the bits set or clear in the number given. The five most significant bits of a 16-bit integer are used and have the following meanings, from most significant bit:
If set, this indicates that the big dialog box normally presented for New File/Open File/Use Template operations should be bypassed (not used). For advanced users, this bit should be clear. For novice users, this bit should be set.
If set, this indicates that a “Switch Document” metaphor should be used in place of the New/Open/Close metaphor for document management. This will allow only a single document open at a time and will immediately prompt if no document is open. For introductory and novice users, this bit should be set.
If set, this indicates that there is an Open button in the File menu (subject to specific UI rules). This is typically not set.
If set, this indicates that the file selector used by the document control object can not change configuration; that is, the file selector will not offer the option of switching between full and simple configurations.
If set, this indicates that the document control object’s file selector will allow the user to navigate directories. If cleared, the user may not navigate above the default document directory.
Some examples of usage of the docControlOptions key are shown below, with their translations into bit representation (five most-significant bits only are shown).
docControlOptions = 16384 ; Introductory
; 16384 = 0x4000 = 01000...
docControlOptions = 0 ; Beginner
; 0 = 0x0 = 00000...
docControlOptions = 4096 ; Advanced
; 4096 = 0x1000 = 00010...
expressOptions = <number>
This key defines the configuration of the express menu. It sets and clears features based on the least significant 11 bits of a 16-bit number. Each bit, from the most significant used (bit 10) down to the least significant, is detailed below.
If set, this indicates that the express menu should contain a list of currently-running applications.
If set, this indicates that the express menu should contain a list of applications in the World\Desk Accessories directory.
If set, this indicates that the express menu should contain a list of applications in the World directory.
If set, this indicates that the express menu should contain a hierarchical list of applications in subdirectories of the World directory.
If set, this indicates that the express menu should contain a control panel area.
If set, this indicates that the express menu should contain a list of available DOS tasks accessible by a task switcher.
If set, this indicates that the express menu should contain a utilities panel area.
If set, this indicates that the express menu should contain an “Exit to DOS” type of trigger.
This is a three-bit field indicating where the express menu should appear. Three different values are allowed:
0 No express menu
1 In the top of the Primary window
2 In the lower left (just below the bottom
of the screen)
Some examples of this key are shown below.
expressOptions = 617 ; Introductory
; 617 = 0x0269 = 0000 0010 0110 1001
; The bits turned on are listed below:
; UIEO_POSITION = 1, upper left of window
expressOptions = 889 ; Beginner
; 889 = 0x0379 = 0000 0011 0111 1001
expressOptions = 2041 ; Advanced
; 2041 = 0x07F9 = 0000 0111 1111 1001
helpOptions = <number>
This key defines the configuration used by the help controller object. Specifically, it determines whether the help controller will automatically provide help triggers in the GenPrimary and in dialog boxes. The default is to allow help triggers to be created and displayed. Only the least significant bit of a 16-bit number is used, and that bit’s significance is shown below.
If set, this indicates that the help controller should not display help triggers in the GenPrimary or in dialog boxes.
helpOptions = 1 ; hide help triggers
helpOptions = 0 ; display help triggers
interfaceLevel = <number>
This key determines the interface level of applications that use the ui features category for their configurations. The four values allowed are shown in the examples below.
interfaceLevel = 0 ; Introductory
interfaceLevel = 1 ; Beginner
interfaceLevel = 2 ; Intermediate
interfaceLevel = 3 ; Advanced
interfaceOptions = <number>
This key determines two different features of the UI in general. It uses the two most significant bits of a 16-bit integer; the two bits have the following meanings.
If set, this indicates that an Options menu should exist.
If set, this indicates that the UI should not allow GIV_POPOUT GenInteraction objects to pop in an out.
interfaceOptions = 16384 ; No Options menu
interfactOptions = 32768 ; Popouts not allowed
launchLevel = <number>
This key controls the interface level of the applications allowed to be launched under the particular field (“room” of the environment application). It allows four values as shown in the examples below.
launchLevel = 0 ; Introductory
launchLevel = 1 ; Beginner
launchLevel = 2 ; Intermediate
launchLevel = 3 ; Advanced
launchModel = <number>
This key controls how applications are started and exited. It allows four values, each of which defines a different level of user.
launchModel = 0 ; Transparent (user does not
; realize he is starting an
; application)
launchModel = 1 ; Single instance only
launchModel = 2 ; Multiple instances allowed
launchModel = 3 ; Advanced features allowed
launchOptions = <number>
This key controls how applications are started and exited; specifically, it has a single flag which determines whether any applications are allowed to be in desk accessory mode. This defaults to true to allow desk accessories. The single flag is the most significant bit of a 16-bit integer.
If set, this indicates that desk accessories should be allowed.
launchOptions = 32768 ; allow desk accessories
launchOptions = 0 ; do not allow them
quitOnClose = <Boolean>
If true, this key forces the closure of all applications in a room before that room may be exited. This will cause state saving to be turned off. The default for this flag is false. One note: setting quitOnClose = true and launchModel = 0 can result in undesirable behavior.
quitOnClose = true
quitOnClose = false
windowOptions = <number>
This key controls different window system options. The precise interpretation of each flag is up to the specific UI. The high 8 bits form a mask of the bits to affect. The low 8 bits indicated whether the masked bits should be turned on or off. Of the eight bits, the high one is meaningless; the seven flags are listed below. You should not set these, however, unless you are familiar with the workings of the UI and the specific UI.
If true, application primary windows will come up maximized. Desk accessory applications may override this behavior.
If true, the title bar and menu bar areas of maximized windows will be combined to save screen space. Only the window gadgetry and menus are retained; title strings are eliminated.
If true, window gadgetry for maximizing, minimizing, and restoring the window will be included on the screen.
If true, a Window menu for keyboard control of minimize, maximize, restore, move, resize, and close operations will be provided. If false, only a “close” button will appear in the menu’s place.
If true, menus will be pinnable.
If true, keyboard accelerators and keyboard navigation will be enabled.
If true, menu bars will be allowed to pop out to be dialog boxes. This should be used in limited situations because specific UIs may not provide gadgetry to restore the menu bar if the dialog is closed.
9.2.35 welcome
The welcome category defines configuration and usage characteristics of the Welcome environment application. Its keys may be useful to you during development, though you will probably not need them for your applications.
startupRoom = <name of room>
This key defines the room in which Welcome will start when GEOS is run. This is settable in the Preferences manager application; you will probably want to set this to the room most appropriate for your application to speed startup when debugging. The default is no setting, which will cause Welcome to present its title screen.
startupRoom = 1 ; Beginner
startupRoom = 2 ; Intermediate
startupRoom = 3 ; Advanced